And now what do we do?

And now what do we do?I’ve extended my olive branch a few timesAnd now it’s his turn to ignore meThat makes no senseI should be the one cowering and hiding in a cornerWhy is he hiding?Or has she poisoned him against me?Does he no longer listen to a voice of reason?I don’t knowI’m being the…

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Love is always there to show comfort to one another.

“love is the unconditional choice to sacrificially serve the other person” Love is an action, not a feeling. Love is a choice, not an emotion. Love is choosing to put the other person first, everyday, no matter how you feel. When both people do this, it leads to an amazing, lasting relationship. Love is not…

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I am not ok

I am not okEven though I can honestly say with my whole heart I’ve forgiven himI don’t hold any grudgesBut I know I will never forget something like thisI feel like I am brokenThe painThe doubtIt will never go awayI still love him more than anythingBut I want to end things on good terms nowRather…

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Somehow I’m ok

I don’t know why or howBut I’m okI’m not ever going to be me againBut I’m okI’m not going to be angry or volatileBut I’m okThis isn’t dumb to me but difficult to explain to people I realise….God has given me a life’s purpose, and I realise how I can fulfill it now, even though…

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Something no one can ever know

I’m dumb and I’m stupidThere is one thing I never told anyone…And I don’t think I ever can…In December 2018 I had a notion in my brainAnd I started being more serious about itI was going to ask him to marry meI had started to plan it outI was going to ask him next May…

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Why I hate myself

I hate myself because I still love himHe was my person and my best friendI still care about him and I still want whats best for himAnd that’s why I hate myself Tuesday when my world fell apart I just sat thereBut I couldn’t deal with usSo I listened and asked him to tell me…

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It will always be my fault, even if it really isn’t

I know everyone means well, and I don’t begrudge them of trying to help me…but I need time and distance Because even though he played a larger role in the end of everythingI will still blame myselfI will always take the burden upon myselfI will always know it was all my faultBecause I’m currently in…

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What’s wrong with me?

From this point onwards, 22nd January 2019, I will always be broken. I will always think there’s something wrong with me. I will never believe I’m good enough anymore. Everything the last 8.5 years have given me are now tainted through a vale of betrayel. Every kind gesture, every word, scrutinised for the adulterer lurking…

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