I know he doesn’t love me

I’ll never be his long term plan

I’m not who he wants at the end of the day

I’m not even his type

I’m not anyone’s type

I’m this crazy mess that’s wild and loud and optimistic for everyone else’s worlds except my own

I’m a high anxiety person always in constant control

Except where he is concerned

I’ve let it be this swirling storm of chaos

I don’t try to control anything with him

Which is bad, because I fell in love with him

How could I not, when he sees me

Like he really sees me

But I’m not the one for him

I’ll never be the one he wants

I never am

I’m always the friend, not the one they love

Just because I know it doesn’t make it easier when I have to say goodbye

I’m always lost to time when I’m with him

It’s this refreshing reset

I wish it wasn’t, then maybe it would be easier to walk away

I know for him it’s easy to walk away

I don’t mean anything to him

I mean I do, but not in the way that it matters

I hate myself for loving him with no conditions

It’ll just make me more withdrawn when he leaves

How do you say goodbye to the first breath of fresh air in three years

The first person I could really truly deeply be myself with

All of it, even things Hernando never knew

His eyes hold no judgement

How do I say goodbye to that?

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