I don’t know why or how
But I’m ok
I’m not ever going to be me again
But I’m ok
I’m not going to be angry or volatile
But I’m ok
This isn’t dumb to me but difficult to explain to people I realise….
God has given me a life’s purpose, and I realise how I can fulfill it now, even though Hernando is no longer mine
Everyone has asked how I can be so calm through it all
And its because I know my life’s purpose
My purpose is to help people
And I realise I can still do that for Hernando
Even if he doesn’t want me anymore
I’m sure it’s almost like the whole world has turned their back on him
So what I can do, is be in Hernando’s corner
I have God in my corner
And I have strong conviction of that
and that is why I’m ok

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