Never again…you can keep running…but the memories of your actions will always haunt you…and how you have turned your back on every single piece of advice you have ever given anyone in the last 26 years…no one will ever trust you again…remember you did this…you blinded yourself to her lies…even when the proof is out…
Read moreDaily routine
Daily routine Wake up either OK or like I was punched in the gutVomit nothing outCry in the showerHeadphones on for constant music to distract me from having a panic attack or burst in to tears on the way to workBe distracted by workMaybe eat lunchHeadphones on and music to zone everything else outHave at…
Read moreTo survive
Everything is a distractionTo survive to the next momentI’m not okNot even close to okI’m brokenI can barely breathI still have multiple attacks dailyAnd I hate feeling so helplessI hate that every night I weep from the depths of my soulI hate that the only way I can sleep uninterrupted and without dreams of him…
Read moreVanity
“It is vanity that blinds us to our own blindness.” Do you not fear being under the control of a woman?
Read moreIntegrity
Do the right thing, even when no one is watching. It’s called integrity.
Read moreHis actions are justified?
He told me my pain and sorrow was an over reactionThat it was insignificant Please someone kindly explain to me He broke his promiseHe obliterated his loyaltyHe desecrated his integrity Isn’t he a lier now?Isn’t he a cheater now?Isn’t he an adulterer now?Isn’t he a mistress now? Apparently he doesn’t like the labels he has…
Read moreAn empty husk of vanity and manipulation.
You continue to seduce him with your wit and wiles, but the day will come when he sees you for who you really are. An empty husk of vanity and manipulation.
Read moreDay 56
Day 56 22nd January 2019, 10:17pm, a date and time I will never forget for all eternity. Exactly 8 weeks ago today he destroyed everything by his own hands. The love of my life, my soulmate, my life partner, my person, my best friend threw me away without a second thought. Thankfully I still have…
Read moreWhen somebody says they love you
“When somebody says they love you it means they see something in you they think is worth something…it adds value to you.”
Read moreIf you break someone
If you break someone and they still wish you the best, you’ve lost the greatest thing for you in life.
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