“love is the unconditional choice to sacrificially serve the other person”
Love is an action, not a feeling. Love is a choice, not an emotion. Love is choosing to put the other person first, everyday, no matter how you feel.
When both people do this, it leads to an amazing, lasting relationship.
Love is not the warm and fuzzy feelings that eventually fade and lead to anger.
Sacrifice is dying to selfishness and laying your life down for those you truly love.
Feeling their hurt, pain, anger, anxieties, burdens, joy and laughter.
Standing for them when they’re to weak to stand and encouraging them when they are ready to give up.
Carrying each other’s burdens as if they were your own. And being that fresh breath of air when all hope seems lost.
There are many things that life throws at us to test our hearts.
True love is meant for those who don’t care about losing true love but choose to be forgiving and to stand close by.
No matter what storm comes raging in. Love is always there to show comfort to one another.