Day 82

A weekend that started great and then the reminders came flooding in…

I lost the love of my life
I lost my soulmate
I lost my life partner
I lost my person
I lost my best friend

Those of you harboring him, enabling him and telling him what he did was kismet and righteous.

I understand he hates his label.

Lying Cheating Adultering Mistress

So please, as his co-conspirators, as people who supposedly claim to love and care for him and give more of a damn about him than I ever did for the last 9 years.

Please give me irrefutable proof that he is none of these things.

Show me, how he is apparently now the best version of himself. Show me the good, kind, caring man he was and not a selfish bastard asshole who only cares about fulfilling his own lust. Who said damn to loyalty and morals, and that they have no place in the world today.

Please I beg of you. I have cried every single night since that day, for the good man you lead down a twisted and warped path with no redemption.

Because you can’t keep lying for him, you can’t keep hiding him and you can’t keep covering up for him. In condemning his soul he condemned mine with his broken covenant. He has already damned me for all eternity.

Don’t let him keep claiming he never loved me for all these years. Every time he denies who I am, he breaks me all that much more. As long as he chooses to deny and forget all that we were, it will never be over.

We were real, especially in the eyes of God, he can never change that, no matter how much he may choose to lie to himself and everyone around him. As long as he continues with his current mindset, we will never have absolution.

Being an adult is about owning up to the consequences of your actions and doing the fair and just thing. Asking me to still be a part of your life and claiming that I am still your best friend is fair and just. Continuing to lie to me for no reason and running away and ignoring me when I ask why do you need to keep lying to me is not being an adult but being a coward.

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