People are hurtful.
They tell me to reflect upon myself and see what I could have changed to be better.
Because not all the blame can lay at his feet for becoming a lying cheating adultering mistress.
I’m at fault as well.

So fine, let me tell you what I would have had to change about myself according to him.
To be her, to be Tracie Anne Lazaroo.

I only truly knew, accepted and loved 90% of him, his own words, and it wasn’t enough because it took me 8 years to get to that point.

Tracie Anne Lazaroo knows him 98% well in 10 months, but remember, Tracie Anne Lazaroo has a professional leg up on me.
So I guess, I should change my profession to a psychologist.
And most important, have been his psychologist since September 2017.

I need to go off topic and start indicating and hinting in our sessions that I’m interested in him and I want to pursue a relationship.
Then he’ll reciprocate and I can convince him to follow in his fathers cheating adultering footsteps.

I needed to have given him crazy mind blowing sex for 10 hours straight every single day while he was still my patient.
So I guess I need to be promiscuous and experimental.

I need to be a damsel in distress in a supposedly horribly abusive relationship and marriage for the last 13 years.
So I need to be married and allegedly abused and suffer from worse panic attacks then I currently have.

I need to have children, that I would willingly declare to forsake and throw away for him and that my partner hates.
So I need to get pregnant and start churning out those babies and giving them away because he’s more important then my own flesh and blood.

I need to be so unprofessional and unethical and unable to even do my own work.
That he, my patient a student, needs to read, review and type every single one of my other patient case notes.

Through all of this it will prove that what we have is true love and we’re soulmates and that its true he never loved his previous partner, the one who convinced him and helped him get Tracie Anne Lazaroo’s help.
Who I said to her face that “you’re perfect together, you support each other so well.”
So I need to be a lying two faced bitch.

I needed to change myself into all of these things for him to be happy.
Do these things even sound remotely close to who I am?
They are so far from my loyal, honest and caring core.
I can guarantee you that she is 100% nothing like me.
And I would never want to even remotely be similar to her.
I help people, my life’s purpose is to help people.
Hers is to destroy lives and turn people into selfish assholes.

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