I was doing better

If you know me
You know I have been silent about all the details of everything that happened

But not long ago
A random stranger came up to my face and confronted me
They said I deserved what happened to me and that everything was all my fault

I stood there shocked and stunned on the sidewalk
As this person I had never laid eyes on before in my life
Told me what a selfish, horrible, toxic, controlling and vindictive person I was
That I had abused, ruined and isolated my ex-partner from his friends and family
And that now I was out there trying to ruin my ex-partner’s soulmates life as well

At first I was in shock at being accosted in such a way
Then I quietly asked this stranger why would they confront me with lies

They laughed in my face
And proceeded to spew out all my deepest darkest secrets in the worst horrible light
And in that moment I knew, he had sold my secrets to his mistress
And she had proceeded to twist them and tell them to the world

I would have thought that anyone with a shred of human decency left
Would have never sold any of their ex’s secrets
Things that were told and shared in confidence at moments of vulnerability with a person they absolutely trusted
I have never shared any of my ex’s secrets
I am still me, they shared those secrets in confidence and I will take them to my grave

After this stranger bombarded me with my secrets
My tears silently fell as I had to just walk away
Why confront a person who believes the lies they have been told about me

Maybe this will clarify to everyone my relapse

So I beg of all of you
Meet me and know me first
Before you decide to believe all my secrets that have been twisted and thrown out into the world

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