We were born in a time when if something was broken, we would fix it. Not just throw it away.

You want to know the difference between love and possession?

Love says “I want you to be happy.”
Possession says “I want you to make me happy.”

While possession says “me.”
Love says “we.”

Possession is a cage, love is the sea.

Possession wants to control, love wants to free.

Possession wants to become, love wants to be.

Possession keeps receipts to remember its good deeds. Love does not keep score but remembers we are on the same team.

Possession hardens the heart. Love softens it.

Possession picks a flower out of the ground, but Love waters it.

Possession wants to hide, Love is vulnerable and exposed.

Possession sees the body, Love sees the soul.

Love trusts the process. Possession controls the direction.

Possession wants to win the argument. Love desires to win connection.

Possession is filled with darkness, Love, with sunlight.

Possession says, “who’s right?” Love says, “what’s right?”

Love is not sweaty palms or a pounding heart. No, its more of a calm explosion.

Possession destroys those who touch it. Love heals all who hold it.

Possession is counterfeit, Love is the only truth.

Possession fades away, Love is forever because it is absolute.

But look, nothing is perfect. Even Love needs to be fed. A daily dose of forgiveness, understanding, not just those empty words said.

So, are you willing to persevere through tough times?

And choose Love every single day?

Are you willing to fix things that are broken?

Not just throw them away?

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